League of Legends: Unique build items style when Gamers just broke up

Cheer up in this way, sad up the other way. Perhaps only in the League of Legends.

What do gamers want to express sadness. Sometimes farewell to lovers is the time when people think of many unique styles.

I. Wailing with Liandry’s Torment

Liandry’s Torment is a familiar item in the Magician position of League of Legends players and currently this item has quite a bit of attention. However, for gamers who are suffering from unsuccessful romance, Liandry’s Torment is the deepest sympathy.

This is also the main reason why many gamers were surprised when suddenly there was a player building 6 Liandry’s Torment just to … cry.

II. Buy Aether Wisp when lonely astray

Photo of a Vietnamese gamer: v

Not only with gamers who are in love, this type sometimes seems quite suitable for the lonely players who are lost in the midst of harsh life.

That means so much, however, the Wisp Aether is a items for AP and is usually not very effective for ADC.

So if unfortunately, your teammates are sad and buy this item, then the whole team should try to advise if you don’t want to be in 4 vs 5 condition.

III. Buy lots of Boots to go far and forget everything

Boots in League of Legends is the most essential item every location needs, they not only work to protect the feet of the generals but also help move and save in the most dangerous situations.

It is useful but it is when you take advantage and buy a boots, and for gamers who are psychologically shocked and want to go away from the world, 6 boxes of shoe items seem to be insufficient for them. .

Especially this build is not only for players who want to go but gamers who want to check game logic like “Elise 6 feet need 6 boots” also proved extremely reasonable.