League of Legends’ Warrior Cinematic is Actually just an Example of A Typical Game in Iron? (Pic by Pic Explain)

Note: This is just a fun fan theory about Riot’s latest Cinematic for the new Season 2020.

Just in case if you haven’t seen League of Legends’ Warrior Cinematic:

1. To begin with, the Might of Demacia, Garen (Mid) who tried to 1 vs 1 enemy Sylas, but got ignited. So, he had to run back to his base.

2. Ezreal ADC bought Tears of Goddess but has no clue how it works.

3. Back to Mid lane, fed Sylas went in for a 1 vs 5 with the enemy team.

4. Meanwhile, Lux Support got disconnected and killed by minions.

5. Garen teleported back to Solo Sylas again.

6. Kai’Sa Top teleported to Bot Lane to steal Ezreal‘s cs.

Please ignore the ward placement

7. The enemy team’s ADC tried to steal enemy Jungler’s Raptors.

8. Sylas stole Garen‘s Ultimate instead of Lux‘s to 1 v 5.

9. Lux has reconnected, but whythef Lux Ulted upward.

10. Ezreal tried to steal some Cs by using his (R)

11. One item Jungler (Vi) with her 1/3/0 ADC tried to shut-down a fed Urgot in the jungle.

12. “Better Jungler wins.”

13. Meanwhile, at bot lane, Top and ADC were still fighting over cs…

14. Where tf was Galio the whole game???

Credit: Reddit