League of Legends: Weapons of the champions in League of Legends are made of what materials?

Weapons are the key to victory and survival in the continent of Runeterra. On the League of Legends, Demacia’s justice sword of Garen and Darius’s brutal ax of Noxus are the most concrete evidence when both are made of different minerals.

In response to the gamers’ questions, Riot said “In addition to iron, gold, silver, copper, lead … in Runeterra there are still countless other ancient and forged casting and alloy formulas.”

Refined steel will become a more powerful weapon if the blacksmith adds additives. In Demacia, along with the appearance of Sylas, gamers have somewhat envisioned the power and influence of Magic Resistance stones.

Magic resistance is also the secret ingredient in Garen’s sword, and is also a factor in the toughness of Galio’s.

As for a violent religious nation like Noxus, they often don’t care much about the defense factor.

Darius’s ax is a testament, and not only did Darius the whole of the Noxus Trifarian Corps equipped with weapons made from Delverkeep ore deep in the Ironspike Mountains.

Riven’s ancient sword is a completely different weapon compared to the rest of Noxus while hiding the great magic power inside.

In addition to strengthening the weapons, scientists from Zaun also put more technological power into steel such as Blitcrank, Ekko …

For Runeterra’s ancient weapons like Darkin, apart from their enormous power, they also contain souls and thinking abilities.

With the release of Ornn, Riot opened a new era of “weapons”.

With legendary blacksmiths, sooner or later in the future will soon appear more weapons made from new alloys only.