League of Legends: What if the Spells appear in real life?

Have you ever imagined that spells appear in real life ???

Poro Toss: You will throw Poro. Perhaps it would make more sense to throw cats or dogs…

Mark / Dash: This is probably only useful in the winter if you want to disturb someone with the chill of snow

Ignite: It works when you want to do magic in front of girls, or go camping without knowing how to light a fire.

Flash: Using this to avoid cars is quite helpful, but that’s when you know how to use it without hitting the wall

Exhaust: Help you easily defeat the people you hate. However, it is useless to use it often

Smite: Do you hate cats or dogs? Do you hate the bright birds that poop on your garden? This is the spell for you.

Ghost: Run fast through all obstacles. Extremely useful if you are late for school / late for work

Clarity: All you need is a bit of energy from Clarity, and then you’ll work like a machine: deadlines, projects or have s*x.

Barrier: Help you escape surviving an explosion, or slaps from parents when you see you are watching Ricardo Milos

Clairvoyance: Has been removed from the League of Legends. It will help you look into someone else’s house without having to go there – but only for 5s

Recall: This is not really a spell, but anyway, getting you home in 8 seconds from any position is great.

Teleport: You are late or forget something. Now you can go anywhere with just 4s waiting!

Cleanse: Are you sick but hate taking medicine? You have incurable cancer? Even HIV ?! Cleanse will solve it all!

Heal: The divine adjunct to save you from all the dangers is here.

Revive: Another spell has been removed from the League. Needless to say, it was hegemony

Revive (Odyssey): This helps you to revive a friend after they have died by standing by them for 2 seconds.