League of Legends: Where is Skarner now?

About two years ago, Skarner set a record for being the highest win rate in history, 70.2% winrate, but time went by and no one remembered him anymore.

2017 was the year that Meta Ardent Censer dominated, then the AD carry could carry the whole team and just need a good support for to play.

So that champions can lock the ADC extremely strong when they can completely disable the source of enemy damage, Skarner is the best champion at that time.

So this scorpion has the most terrible win rate in history with 70.2% in the middle of season 7, a number that no champion can achieve. However, after many changes to the meta game, especially the ADC’s reduced power and influence, supporting Ardent Censer disappeared, the tactics of many Gladiators and wizards to the throne made Skarner gradually disappear.

And until the current version, Skarner is almost forgotten when the pick rate is less than 1% lower than that of champions like Ivern or Maokai. The reason is that he is not a strong and noticeable champion in the ranking, compared to champions like Elise, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV or assassins like Kha’Zix, Skarner is completely forgotten.

Skarner skill set cannot reach directly to deal damage. In a meta where so many champions have mobility, Skarner sometimes looks like an ant, running around without affecting the match.

Even in a professional environment, Skarner is weaker than the options like Sylas, Sejuani, Gragas … The strongest point of this Skarner lies in capturing the enemy’s mainstay, but there are too many champions who own the Equivalent tools are sometimes better at isolating.

In the current meta, Skarner’s ability to catch a target is no longer effective. Agree that Skarner can catch a target like ADC but the opponent still has a lot of damage when Aatrox, Irelia or Akali are still there, even if you target the above names, they are still very difficult immediately defeated, simply because they have too many survival tools.

Fairly considered Skarner is not weak, but the skill sets are outdated. Perhaps Skarner will only return if Riot Games brings back the season 7 meta or rework this scorpion.