League of Legends: Why are assassins using Conqueror instead of Electrocute?

Almost every assassin is preferring Conqueror to Electrocute, their “traditional” rune…

Having an incredibly strong killing ability, most assassin players in LoL had been using Electrocute to strengthen their power. However, during recent patches Patch 10.17, some pro players have figured out that this rune is no longer strong and Conqueror is currently the best choice for assassins. Why is this strange rune behaving so suitable for this champion class?

Yamikaze – one of the most well-known Talon mains, is really famous for using Conqueror for Talon

As you know, Electrocute is the best choice for killing your target as soon as possible. Nevertheless, this rune is only useful when you are doing your business but in every LoL match, you have to do a wide range of other things, like trying to stay in your lane or staying alive in team fights. Suffering from a tough laning phase is obviously inevitable and this can easily lead to a completely useless assassin at late game and in this situation, in no way will Electrocute be useful for you.

Akali is a nice example of this when she usually has a moderately tough laning phase, especially against ranged champions. Several players have realized that replacing Electrocute with Conqueror or Fleet Footwork to help her to walk through her bad laning phase more easily is obviously not a bad choice at all. Once she has her essential items and is not slain so fast in team fights, Electrocute is no longer needed.

Akali does not actually need Electrocute to kill her targets

And unsurprisingly, this idea is widely used for nearly every assassin to improve their laning phases. Some typical names of this champion class like Zed, Talon, Katarina, Diana or even Kassadin are now using Conqueror rather than Electrocute and its efficiency seems to be incredibly outstanding.

Conqueror Zed used by Laceration – NA Zed Main is too OP!!

Moreover, other smaller runes of Precision are extremely suitable for this champion class. As an assassin, you already have an impressive killing ability, which makes Triumph much more efficient as you will be constantly healed after every takedown. Presence of Mind is also a nice choice since all items for assassins do not provide them with mana/energy and this rune will partly solve this problem.

Mana/Energy restored and gained every takedown is incredibly suitable for this champion class’ playstyle

All in all, Conqueror is currently much better than Electrocute. Maybe in this meta, Electrocute is no more suitable for any champion classes and if Riot do not do anything to improve it soon, this rune will be literally forgotten and no one will remember its existence in LoL.

Conqueror is now the optimal rune for assassins, not Electrocute