League of Legends: Why champions who require high skills are loved by players

Yasuo, Zed, Leblanc, Leesin and Riven are highly difficult champions in League of Legends, they require players to have skill and use skillfully.

However, there is the fact that these champions appear equally in every rank from Challenger to Iron.

1. Owning a high amount of damage

Let’s talk about some of the favorite champions before: Lee Sin, Yasuo, Zed, Riven and even LeBlanc.

And the first thing we can talk about is that these champions have tremendous damage. If you once had a confrontation with them when they had an easy match, then you could really understand Thanos’s snap.

In addition to getting the advantage from the beginning, the orientation of these champions also contributes a small part to their damage, when the above 5 examples all carry the killer direction.

That is, their skill set is capable of assassinating a target when there is an extremely high percentage of bonus damage. And assassin champions who have the ability to “one-shot” your team will always create excitement with their damage.

2. Colorful gameplay …

Of course, owning a huge amount of damage that is simply a mouse click will blow away the opponent, it will be too unbalanced and somewhat boring.

Overcoming difficulties to achieve success, it is an important factor in the play of these champions.

3. Easily create Highlight

Of course, when the virtual play and skills of those champions fall into the hands of professional players as well as players, then you will be able to admire a lot of “ecstatic” processing phases. Their videos through Video Montage on Youtube. “However, the highlights about Yasuo should not be shown to children because they are classified as dangerous like JAV and Pornbub.”

In order to create phases with such a champion, a lot of skills and calculations are needed as well as being fluent with the champions.

4. The confidence of players

As mentioned, effective use of champions with high skill requirements is not possible, but it takes a lot of time to practice. And if you do not have confidence that you will be able to have “outplay” opponents, it will be difficult to play well.

Moreover, it can be said that the mentioned champions are not difficult to play but to be proficient. And this has created a challenge for players, enticing them to choose them psychologically.

If there is no confidence of the player, then choosing a champion to practice will be a rare thing. Psychology is a small part of people who pay attention when playing League of Legends but actually it is one of the important factors to lead to a good performance.