League of Legends: Will Riot Games add teleport gate to the map?

Pre-Season begins with a series of changes. In particular, the two sides Top and Bot added by the development team are proved useless when not showing any effect other than increasing the map scale.

A lot of players have asked that question, and they begin to observe the terrain of these two weird moves. A surprise was discovered when looking closely at the bot lane: the rock made the path deformed and it had no random shape. It is designed like a head, with two bright eyes inside.

With the symmetrical design of the traditional 5v5 map, the rock at the top has the same shape; and that blue light must have magic.

Some Reddit users have theorized that this is part of the teleport spell that Riot intends to put into the game, enabling top laners to instantly gank bots without spending too much time.

Chances are this will happen. The jungle can also take advantage of this place to go to the top right after clearing the bottom.

However, we still can not say anything about the intentions of Riot when creating these two small Paths. In the future, Riot will definitely edit a lot to this area.