League of Legends: Yuumi has achieved the lowest win rate in the game

All of Yuumi’s main are actually out of their minds right now as the balance team has drag the Magical Cat to the ground in Patch 13.1b

Yuumi was released in the game in May of 2019 and has since become a popular pick among players. Her playstyle is unique, as she is classified as a support champion and has the ability to attach herself to allies, granting them bonus attack damage and ability power. Despite her unique playstyle and abilities, Yuumi has struggled to find her place in the game, with many players questioning her viability in competitive play.

According to recent statistics on Reddit, Yuumi’s win rate has dropped below 40%, or 39% to be more exactly. Despite her low win rate, Yuumi has a dedicated fan base who enjoy playing her and find success with her in lower-ranked games. However, in high-level play, her weaknesses are more pronounced, and she is often banned or picked last in draft-pick games.

What most people expected to happen when they saw those nerfs headed Yuumi’s way in the hotfix patch occurred. Yuumi has officially dead, but no one anticipated her to go this much ‘dead.’

Image via Riot Games

The low win rate of Yuumi has sparked discussions among the League of Legends community, with many players calling for changes to her abilities and playstyle. And we all know Yuumi is getting a rework, some of which may have already been disclosed by Riot.

While Yuumi has gone downhill and is definitely one of the most unplayable champions right now due to her relatively poor kit. Her early game has been nerfed owing to a lack of range, and her scaling on W and move speed on E have both been lowered, rendering her late game unremarkable.

Riot will do nothing to stop her because they are modifying her kit to be less impactful in high elo and pro play while remaining beginner-friendly for people looking for a simple introduction into League. However, until that rework is released, players will have to handle their champion in the same manner as Ryze players.