League of Legends: Yuumi + Wukong, why not try it because it’s too strong?

Recently, the rise of support champions such as Leona, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Thresh, … directly brought Yuumi to the bottom of the rankings of support generals. Wukong is so pitiful that it is not listed in the rating table because there are too few players to use so it cannot be counted.

However, the combination of 2 champions who are not interested in this meta brings unexpected effects in the bot lane. Here’s how to combine Wukong and Yuumi in the bot lane shared by Youtuber DongHuaP:

First is the laning phase, this youtuber identified the Wukong + Yuumi couple as extremely extremely weak in the early stages of the game (from level 1 to level 3). And in order to play this couple to the fullest, you have to sacrifice farming at the beginning and keep your HP. A Corrupting Potion for Wukong is needed for up to level 3.

And one more thing to note when playing this duo: play to get kills, not minions. One of the worst cases where DongHuaP uses this duo is that he can only farm 4 minions at level 6. However, this duo has an extremely fast match rate so you need to keep a cool head avoid unnecessary dangers.

With this gameplay, it is true that the turret will be greatly worn down, but up to level 6, you will also regain both capital and interest by kill enemy. The most basic combo between these 2 champions is the Wukong use Decoy the to approach, then release the remaining 3 skills in the same order as E + Q + R. And Yuumi, just use the buff Attack speed / movement speed for Wukong, accompanied by a Q and use the ultimate at the same time as Wukong’s ultimate.

Because Wukong inherently has a lot of damage, however, Wukong’s ultimate is often avoided by opponents with many different maneuvering skills. As for the last 2 combo, Yuumi will help Wukong to cause his maximum damage.

In addition, the weakness of Wukong’s speed and resilience is also overcome by Yuumi more or less, even if Wukong reaches full lethality, it is still very strong.

In particular, Yuumi also buffs a significant amount of adaptive damage (about 150 adaptive damage equivalent to nearly 4 B.F Swords) at level 18, so the duo also has a great influence at the end of the game.

Regarding items, the items needed for Wukong will be:

– Corrupting Potion: to keep HP and deal small damage with basic attacks.

– Tiamat: to clear the minions better

– Boots of Mobility: maximizes speed approaching the target when invisible.

– Duskblade of Draktharr: deals massive amount of damage with the first attack. Also, the most important thing is that it helps you to detect enemy’s ward / vision. Yes, you read that right, because just by looking at the passive causes more damage, you will know when you’re being seen by enemies.

– Youmuu’s ghostblade: increase lethality, increase the speed of approaching the target or to … retreat.

– Guardian Angel: increase survivability in combat.

As for the gameplay, after the initial period of hardship, Wukong and Yuumi will often plunge into easy-to-win prey like the main ADC/ Mid of the opponent. In particular, you should choose opponents in pairs as AD/SP to take down to increase efficiency. Because if only one  Tanker or Juggernaut of the opponent, Wukong is defeated, then he will have to sacrifice 2 lives in a row because Yuumi won’t run anywhere anymore.

In addition, one of the counter of this duo is Mordekaiser. The reason is that Wukong build damage is very easy to be defeated individually by ultimate of Mordekaiser. Because of that, when playing this duo you should spend 1 turn ban for Mordekaiser