League Patch 10.19 Detailed Preview: Vayne…excessively buffed?

Patch 10.19 changelist for League of Legends is here and Vayne haters do not feel so good

Following the patch reveal on September 5th, League of Legends lead gameplay designer Mark Yetter, also known as Riot Scruffy just tweeted a series of balance changes for the Worlds patch, which includes a light nerf for Caitlyn and 10 bonus AD buff for Vayne’s R at all rank.

Caitlyn has been overly dominant and oppressive, thanks to her high range, poke damage, and the fact that games during this meta never last long enough for other marksmen to outscale her. Therefore, a slight nerf is slated to tone her reliability down a bit.

While it is true that Vayne is on the underwhelming side of the champion roster, we still do not understand the implication of her buff. It should be noted that there will be uproar every time this champion is scheduled for a power up, so be on watch for the community’s reaction.

Caitlyn was overtuned a few patches ago, therefore she is to be nerfed.

Patch 10.19 Nerfs


W passive bonus attack speed 20-60 >>> 10-50%

Twisted Fate

Base movement speed 335 >>> 330


Base AD 64 >>> 62; W headshot damage increase 60-240 >>> 40-240

Senna (Marksman role)

P Mist wraith spawn on minion kill 8.33% >>> 4.166%


Q damage 30-130 >>> 25-125 AD


AD per Ivl 2.75 >>> 2.3

Patch 10.19 Buffs


W cooldown 10-6 >>> 9-5; W mana cost 55 >>> 40


P movement speed 30-50 >>> 35-55


R AD buff 25-55 >>> 35-65 AD


R cooldown 100-60 >>> 100-40


E slow amount 40-60%>>> 50-70%


R cone damage 50-275 (+60% AP) >>> 50-325 (+70% AP)


R barrage damage 125-325 >>> 125-375; R perimeter damage 125-275 >>> 125-375

Patch 10.19 Release Date

The patch is set to go live on Wednesday, September 16.