League Patch 10.20 Detailed Preview: Various Overpowered Solo Queue Picks Tweaked Down

Worlds League patch 10.20 has been out for a while now and it looks like it is time for Riot to address issues in the casual play.

Notable changes in League Patch 10.20

Previous patches have seen many strong picks in tournaments severely toned down to the point that they are pretty much unviable in Solo Queue, such as the case of Syndra and Aatrox. This Pro Play oriented balancing methodology leaves a myriad of overtuned champions to freely rampage through the ranked ladder, however. Thus, patch 10.20 promises a healthier Solo Queue meta.

In patch 10.20, one rune is about to be nerfed, for its usefulness is too apparent on any champion. As such, the base out-of-combat movement speed is down to 5 from 10, OOC MS per stack from 9 to 8. Roamming is now a bit more difficult, and other runes of the same line will see more action, such as Ultimate Hunter and Ravenous Hunter.

Tired of seeing Katarina mains flaunting their level 7 mastery? Patch 10.20 is for you

Katarina has been given free Reign of Terror over all ranked ladders below Grandmaster for quite a while now. The unholy combination of Hextech Gunblade and Death’s Dance gives her tons of healing, along with an amazing about of AD and AP, both of which she wonderfully scales off. As such, her passive bonus AD ratios is trimmed down from 100% to 75% so it will be less impactful if she builds AD items.

To the guilottine nerfhammer.

Katarina is one of the major beneficiaries of the healing stacking meta.

Besides, Kassadin will have his Null Sphere (Q)’s shield lowered down at early ranks, so mages have an easier time shutting him down before his level 16 memetic power kicks in. Karthus’ HP regen is to be chipped away by a bit so lane Karthus is less safe consider how hard he scales, Maokai has his Q damage buff earlier reverted, Kled and Nunu’s base defense reduced, and a planned nerf for Lulu in patch 10.20.

Speaking of Lulu, it is prudent that Riot has to do something about this outrageous enchanter support. Her synergy with Kog’Maw or any attack speed oriented marksmen is unparalled, she has too many agencies in her kit, free attack speed, free health, shield, slow and a whooping 2.5 seconds polymorph. The “press-all-buttons-on-the-carry” playstyle has to be removed, either by dampening her stats or making her kit more interactive.

Hashinshin’s wet dream realized

One of Aatrox’s problems is that there are too many countermeasures against his kit in late game team fight, including Grievous Wounds and stacking armor. This leaves him neither damage nor sustain to be useful in a brawl; as such, the amplified healing from his R is slated to be increased from 70% at max rank to 100%. His early game is unaffected, but in late game this should help him survive longer in fights.

Expect to see more of Hashinshin Aatrox plays along with his usual ranting about the game. Follow the Super Top here

The buff no one asked for

Ryze’s Overload (Q) damage will be increased by 10, from 65-165 to 75-175. This might not seem much at the first glance, but Q is his spammable ability, therefore the damage can add up exponentially. One basic rotation from Ryze usually consist of 2 Q, which means this is a 20 damage buff. Not to mention the damage amplification from his ultimate’s passive, resulting in a 40 damage buff at level 16.

His early game will be much stronger to supplement his late-game power, and the tanky build will be more prevalent, thanks to the higher base damage. A champion who can be both a lane bully and a scaling powerhouse is by no means balanced.

Two potential viable jungle picks in Patch 10.20

Sion will receive a 50% Q damage buff when used on jungle monsters, and Urgot’s passive percentage damage cap on monsters increased by 40 at level 1. His W will have a minimum damage of 50, regardless of how many AD he has. Both champions will have much better clears now. Also, Sion will have a more pleasant time stacking his HP passive – maybe at the cost of leaving his lanes unattended.

Other buffs in Patch 10.20 include Illaoi’s tentacles spawning interval from 20-12 to 20-8, Varus’ E damage increased by 10 from 50-210 to 60-220, R CD decreases from 130-70 to 120-60 (mostly some reverts from previous nerfs), Braum’s Q damage from 60-260 to 75-275, mana cost down from 55-75 to 45-65.

Mark Yetter’s Twitter Post

When League Patch 10.20 release ?

The patch is scheduled to be online on September 30th, 2020. Follow us on notagamer.net to keep yourself updated.