League Patch 11.13 reveals new items and adjustments to the existing items.

League Patch 11.13 will make significant modifications to some of the League’s most powerful items.

Image via Riot Games

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, League of Legends’ gameplay design director, has detailed some of the updates coming to the game in Patch 11.13 besides the adjustments for ARAM mode. Hold on tight, because there will be plenty of them.

Riot’s usual “midseason” patch is just behind the door, and items will be at the center of the discussions this year, just as they were during the most recent preseason.

In League Patch 11.13, two new items will be added to the live servers. After being previewed on the PBE earlier this month, Hullbreaker and Anathema’s Chains will be available for purchase and play. Both items will specialize to attack damage splitpushers and tanks, and will be found in the Legendary section of the shop.

In Patch 11.13, practically every high-power item will be adjusted in some way. Many items will experience direct buffs and nerf to their overall power level, while others will see adjustments to how much power they bring to the table due to “mobility creep.” In a nutshell, mobility creep is an issue that occurs when champions have far too much mobility supplied by third-party sources such as runes or items.

Items like Galeforce and Prowler’s Claw, for example, have been offering ADCs a bit too much needless mobility in 2021—and their innate abilities will be nerfed in League Patch 11.13. Divine Sunderer will reduce the amount of power provided to ranged champions as well.

Ezreal building Divine Sunderer will be hit with an indirect nerf

Other mobility items, such as Cosmic Drive, Shurelya’s Battlesong, and also the Rune Nimbus Cloak will be nerfed in Patch 11.13, as will Stridebreaker and Dead Man’s Plate, among others, according to Yetter.

Aside from nerfs, numerous boosts are set to be released in Patch 11.13. Buffs will be granted to ability power items such as Everfrost, Luden’s Tempest, and Liandry’s Anguish. Moonstone Renewer will also receive a buff in this release.

Image via Riot Games

According to the official League patch schedule, Patch 11.13 will be released to live servers on Wednesday, June 23.