League Patch 11.15 will make Viego completely disappeared from the solo lane

Riot Games limited Viego solo lane capability in League Patch 11.15 since his potential as an all-in-one pick is too good, especially in Pro plays.

The Ruined King is becoming a popular pick by many professional League of Legends teams. Not only in professional competitions, but he is also a real monster in single rank when categorized by U.gg as an S + (very powerful) champion in the mid lane and jungle position in patch 11.14.

Viego is a typical first pick in Pro play in League Patch 11.14.
An S+ tier Jungle (According to u.gg)
And an S+ tier Mid (According to u.gg)

Viego is heavily nerfed in the current League Patch 11.15. Both T1 LS and streamer Nemesis also discussed Viego’s changes. LS thinks The Ruined King will almost disappear from solo lanes when Q – Blade of the Ruined King healing on minions is drops to 10%.

Besides the change in the healing ability mentioned above by LS, Riot has also changed the bonus damage of Q – Blade of the Ruined King. In a word, the base damage of this ability will be reduced but that percentage will be converted to bonus damage against monsters. This change will not affect Viego’s jungle ability. However, it makes Viego’s ability to trade and push minions in lane become much worse.

The changes mentioned above will make his fighting power and ability to recover in lane become much weaker than it is now. If The Ruined King has to play in pressure matchups such as facing Renekton, Gwen, Darius (Top) or Sylas, LeBlanc, Irelia (Mid), it is more likely for him to lose the lane completely. Perhaps since patch 11.15, Viego will appear more in the role of Jungle instead of being a too flexible pick in Mid, Top, Jungle like now.