League Patch 11.18 Preview to nerf champions that are currently dominating Pro Plays

Lee Sin, Renekton, Varus, Kalista, Thresh and Jayce are all targeted for modifications in League Patch 11.18 Preview that has just been released earlier today.

Besides 23 champions that are set to received buffs in League Patch 11.18, Riot Games bring to the table the much-needed modifications for champions that have been dominating both higher ranks and Pro Plays in the recent versions of League of Legends.

With the final major event of the year less than a month away, Riot Games revealed today the numerous modifications that will be introduced in League Patch 11.18. According to lead game designer Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu, this is merely the beginning of the adjustments scheduled for the tournament. The second set of Worlds-related modifications will be finished in Patch 11.19. These adjustments are affecting a number of pro-priority champions that have gained popularity throughout the summer, which might result in a meta shift at Worlds.

The champions targeted in League Patch 11.18, Kalista and Varus, for example, are two popular AD carriers who have seen plenty of action on Summoner’s Rift. According to League analytics site Games of Legends, these two solid champions have the greatest pick-ban presence % of any bottom lane marksman throughout the four major regions of North America, Europe, Korea, and China, with 75 percent and 56 percent, respectively. Varus is also the world’s fifth-most played and seventh-most banned champion, with a 51% win rate.

Image via Riot Games

In a similar spirit League Patch 11.18 will also target the Blind Monk as Lee Sin has instantly become the most played champion in the world, with 1,417 games played and a worldwide pick-ban presence of 76%. His versatility as a jungler and solo laner has allowed teams to use him in a variety of team compositions, and he has proven lethal in the hands of talented players looking for a lot of playmaking potential, natural tankiness through items, and a lot of damage.

Image via Riot Games

Renekton and Thresh, on the other hand, have long been safe bets for many in the scene. Renekton, due to his potential to be drafted blind into various matchups, is presently the fourth-most banned champion in the competitive scene. Thresh is also an excellent choice for most team compositions, as he provides a lot of playmaking and pick potential while also providing lots of utility to assist disengage and save teammates from danger. He is the world’s third-most banned champion, yet he also only has a 49% win rate. These two champions are expected to be tuned down in League Patch 11.18 as well.

With all of these champions getting nerfed, we may see a few new champions appear on the list of coaches before Worlds. Picks like Jinx, Kai’Sa, and others are being changed ahead of the event, which may lead some champions to gain precedence as the month of preparation continues.