League Patch 11.20 reveals nerfs for Amumu, Jarvan IV, and others

League Patch 11.20 might stop Amumu from his uprising era.

The League of Legends development team shared detailed insights and plans for League Patch 11.20, the next patch set to go live on the game’s servers, earlier today.

League Patch 11.20 will be a relatively small patch in terms of champion balance, with only 10 champions set to be changed, with six incoming nerfs and four receiving buffs.

Amumu will be the most notable champion to receive nerfs in League Patch 11.20. The damage of Amumu’s Bandage Toss (Q) will be reduced at higher ranks in the upcoming patch, following a mini-rework in Patch 11.18. Furthermore, the mana cost of Bandage Toss will be increased to 70 at all ranks. On live servers, the first rank of Bandage Toss costs only 35 mana.

According to League stats site Lolvvv, Amumu’s buffs over the last few patches have turned him into a top-tier support champion, with professional players such as Team Liquid’s CoreJJ, Fnatic’s Hylissang, and Cloud9’s Vulcan all adding the champion to their pools ahead of this year’s World Championship.

Image via Riot Games

In addition to the Sad Mummy, champions like Irelia, Shen, and Jarvan IV will be nerfed in League Patch 11.20. Jarvan IV, in particular, will see the damage dealt by his passive, Martial Cadence, reduced from 10% to 8%.

Darius, one of the four champions to receive buffs in Patch 11.20, will see a significant increase in the power of Crippling Strike (W), as the cooldown is reduced to five seconds at all ranks. In addition, three classic junglers — Elise, Hecarim, and Udyr — will be buffed in the patch. Udyr’s Phoenix Stance (R) base damage will increase as he progresses through the ranks. Riot revealed an update on Udyr’s upcoming visual update, which is set to release sometime next year.

Image via Riot Games

Despite the fact that Patch 11.20 will be available during this year’s League of Legends World Championship, no professional games will be played on it. In fact, no professional games will be played on any of the season’s final five patches in 2021.

According to the League of Legends patch schedule, Patch 11.20 will be released on October 6.