League Patch 11.21 brings massive buff to Teemo, Viego, Lux and more

Teemo fans are expecting to see the comeback of the Swift Scout in League Patch 11.21.

League Patch 11.21 will bring Captain Teemo back on duty as it appears that Bandle City’s resident scout, along with a slew of champions, will see significant damage buffs in League of Legendsupcoming update.

Teemo’s Blinding Dart ability has had its duration increased by 0.5 seconds per rank in the most recent patch preview. His blind will last three seconds at maximum rank. His Q’s missile speed is also being increased from 1,500 to 2,500, which means it will hit much faster than before. Finally, the ability’s cooldown has been reduced by one second.

Overall, these changes should provide Teemo with more power during his laning phase, as well as the ability to surprise auto attacking champions later in the game. Being blinded for three seconds is a long time, especially during teamfights and skirmishes.

Image via Riot Games

Lux, on the other hand, will see a few changes to her equipment. First, if a basic attack or her ultimate ability is in flight, her passive mark duration will be increased. This ensures that the extra damage is applied during a quick trade or teamfight in League Patch 11.21.

Her E, Lucent Singularity, now has 10 more damage at all ranks, as well as 70% AP instead of the previous 65%. Her ultimate also gets a 20-second cooldown reduction at first rank and a 10-second reduction at second rank. Overall, the cheerful Demacian mage should be able to trade much more consistently with her passive. She’ll also be able to use her long-range ultimate earlier in the game to assist teammates from afar.

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Meanwhile, Viego’s Q’s total AD ratio has been improved in League Patch 11.21, as has his ultimate’s critical strike ratio, which has been increased from 75% to 100%. Xayah gains a small movement speed boost and a Q cooldown reduction, while Jinx gains buffs to her passive attack speed, E cast range, and ultimate cooldown.

League Patch 11.21 is scheduled to be live on all servers on Oct.20, according to League’s official patch schedule.