League Patch 11.21 nerfs Goredrinker, Akshan and Graves

A lot of marksmen is targeted in League Patch 11.21.

It’s time for another round of League of Legends champion and system nerfs. This iteration focuses on some of the game’s most recognizable marksmen, as well as an undead rock singer and some overly healing areas.

Riot Phlox, a designer on the Summoner’s Rift team for League, detailed the champions set to be nerfed by the hammer in League Patch 11.21, which were first teased yesterday. These champion nerfs will be accompanied by nerfs to other aspects of League that have taken control in recent patches, such as a few runes and items.

Massive hits on the central parts of various marksmen’s kit will be the central part for League Patch 11.21. Graves, who dominates two lanes and the jungle in solo queue and professional play, will have his E armor reduced. Similarly, Miss Fortune, the pirate captain, will see not only a decrease in her base mana but also an increase in the cost of her W.

Marksmen, who are typically used in solo lanes, are also taking a beating due to the pressure they can apply, particularly to melee and immobile opponents. Akshan, the League’s most recent marksman, will focus less on dealing damage while swinging and more on sheer mobility with reduced damage on his E. Quinn’s wings are being clipped slightly as a result of nerfs to the attack speed granted by her W.

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Karthus is the only non-marksman set to be nerfed in League Patch 11.21, but his power in the bot lane will be prioritized. The mana cost per second on his E is being increased in order to deal less consistent damage at a faster rate.

Aside from champions, players can anticipate significant nerfs to three runes, as well as changes to two staple items. Guardian, a popular tank support rune, will have its granted shield reduced slightly. Fighters who normally bring Conqueror must account for the reduced adaptive damage and buff duration. Ravenous Hunter is the only non-keystone rune that has been nerfed, with its omnivamp healing granted per stack being reduced slightly.

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Following Ravenous Hunter’s healing nerfs is a significant nerf to one of the year’s most dominant items: Goredrinker. Its health regeneration and Spite passive, which grants bonus AD based on missing health, are being removed in exchange for a higher damage ratio granted based on base AD. Stridebreaker will also receive this increased damage percentage of base AD, as well as a flat increase in AD given, to bring it up to par with other Mythic items.

League Patch 11.21 is set to address some of League’s more vexing issues in recent months, with a focus on healing. All of these changes are preliminary and may be altered before they are implemented on live servers on October 20.