League Patch 11.21: Teemo to dominate Top lane

The Swift Scout of League of Legends is ready to dominate the Rift in League Patch 11.21.

Teemo will return to the top lane and maybe even the ADC position in League Patch 11.21. This champion has been heavily favored since Season 11 and is continually getting buffed. However, it has not entirely controlled the lanes, and the pick rate has not much improved.

Teemo’s passive helps to extend the time to boost attack speed while entering stealth, as of League Patch 11.7. Furthermore, the damage done by Toxic Shot’s strikes has been greatly enhanced. Teemo’s strength had increased with patch 11.17. Teemo has a chance to enter the Summoner’s Rift arena because to the enhanced Attack Damage from E.

After years of stagnation, Blinding Dart, his most distinguishing ability, has finally been improved in the current update.

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League Patch 11.21 Teemo buffs

Q – Blinding Dart

To begin with, Teemo’s blind duration has been shifted to rank one from later levels in the late game. This is enormous.

Furthermore, this champion’s growth to 2 seconds of blindness at the first level and 3 seconds at the last level is concerning. It also has a shorter cooldown. Teemo might be pleased with the new adjustments.
“This modification improves AD Teemo,” Tim “Nemesis” Lipovek said in a League Patch 11.21 summary video with analyst and T1 content producer Nick “LS” De Cesare: “If you’re playing against Yasuo’s Wind Wall… suddenly [the Yasuo player] needs to respond extremely quickly.”

Image via Riot Games

Nashor’s Tooth into Liandry’s Anguish or Riftmaker was once the most popular Teemo build. With these changes, LS feels he’ll be more focused on Ability Haste, which opens up new build paths and runes, like as a possible Immortal Shieldbow and Navori Quickblades combination.

In any case, when the new version is released, you should test out this champion to feel his might. Otherwise, when approaching him, you’ll be continually dazzled.

According to stats from op.gg, Teemo is currently having 8.22% pick rate and 50.45% win rate, ranked at tier 1 in Korean server from Platinum+. The Swift Scout era might start now.