League Patch 11.3 notes: Ezreal, Jinx and Riven are getting some love

More changes are coming to League Patch 11.3.

Image via Riot Games

Get prepared, enthusiasts of League of Legends. The incoming Patch 11.3 cycle introduces a lot of new adjustments to many champions who have either been underperforming late or have swept over the solo queue and professional with their dominance.

For the nerf list, Olaf, Cho’Gath, Pantheon, Rammus, Anivia, Elise, Ivern, Seraphine, Udyr, and Taliyah are all undergoing changes to reduce their influence on the game, according to League lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter.

Champion such as Olaf, for example, will receive nerf in League Patch 11.3. He have been a significant pick in both pro play and solo queue, particularly when combined with Goredrinker, which was identified by many as one of the most broken parts of the game.

Udyr had become a big pick for high Elo players, and he’s going to get a nerve. He has a 54.2 percent win rate in the Platinum ranks and above, according to Champion.gg, the higher your elo gets, the more you will see him in your matches. In Grandmaster, he has a ludicrous 70.6 percent win rate and 8.3 percent pick rate.

In the other hand, Karma, Sylas, Singed, Riven, Jinx, Ezreal, Mordekaiser, Vladimir, and Shyvana are going to get some improvements to help them out in the next patch.

Almost all of these champions had a sub-50 percent win rate, with the exception of Singed and Jinx. They have a win percentage of 51.1 percent and 50.4 percent, namely, according to Champion.gg. Besides, Rell is going to have some of the champion’s modifications that will be outlined by Riot tomorrow in League Patch 11.3.

League Patch 11.3 will also be reaching across multiple items which will bring more changes in systemic healing. At the end of the day, 11.3 is a doozy patch, and all the information will be given tomorrow.

League Patch 11.3 is expected for release on Wednesday, Feb. 3.