League Patch 11.5 brings these 5 new unique playstyles to the game

With the release of League Patch 11.5, these 5 unique playstyles have been really successful in the last few days – according to their statistics.

Top Lane – Kayle Crit

Kayle Top building only crit damage and on-hit effect items has been dominating League Patch 11.5 for the past few days.

Kayle has been seeing more plays since the start of Preseason 2021, mostly by buying AP items like Nashor’s Tooth and Riftmaker, however, as stronger Bruisers like Renekton, Camille, or Gnar started their dominance on Top lane, she became a lot weaker as a matter of fact.

With these Bruisers become less effective, Kayle shines again as one of the best picks for League Patch 11.5. Instead of AP items build, The Righteous will now utilize crit and on-hit effect items such as Kraken Slayer and Phantom Dancer.

With this build, you will be a little weaker in early game, but as soon as you reach level 6, things will become a whole lot different. The more you scale, the harder for your opponents to deal with you in both short-trades and long-term combats. Your passive (provides 3% armor and magic resistance reduction) will become extra helpful, and the fact that the waves from your E can crit make you an unstoppable force as the game goes on.

Kraken Slayer, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster and Guardian Angel will be the items that you will try to rush for with this build.

Jungle – AP Shyvana

AP Shyvana is not something new but has never been ineffective. The fact that this playstyle isn’t used in tournaments doesn’t mean that it is not effective in solo queue matches.

The base source of damage for this build will be E – Dragon’s Breath in Shyvana Dragon Form, this ability has extremely long range and big hit-box, the only thing that is lacking is more AP and Ability Haste stats, which will help increasing the effectiveness from this ability further and allowing Shyvana to deal damage more constantly.

The best build for AP Shyvana in League Patch 11.5 will be Dark Harvest as her Keystone Rune, in terms of items, try to rush for Nashor’s Tooth, Night Harvester, Cosmic Drive, and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Try to farm as much as you can, once you reach level 6, utilize your Dragon Form and the overwhelming damage from E to make good ganks and secure the objectives.

Mid Lane – Sion

Sion has been seeing plays lately in professional matches in regions such as the LPL or LCK, but as a top laner. However, statistics is proving that he can be a decent mid laner, too.

With his tanky nature, Sion can play in the same position as Sett or Galio mid can do. Sion Mid won’t have to worry about ganks or being disadvantage with tradings in the lane. His R further allowed this champion to engage better in combats, especially in the case of roaming or controlling objectives.

Sion’s core for this build in League Patch 11.5 will be Turbo Chemtank, obviously. Sion will play really similar to Sett or Galio mid. which means he will be a tank that can arrive extremely fast in combats and open fights quite often. Other items will be Randuin, Thornmail, and Spirit Visage.

Grasp of the Undying will be the Keystone for Sion as its provides extra damage. healing and gains Sion more health each time it is activated.

ADC – Jinx Conqueror

Used to be one of the top-tier ADCs for some consecutive seasons, with the rise of the newer ADC champions, Jinx has long been forgotten by the meta. However, League Patch 11.5 brought nerfs to top-tier ADCs, alongside her slight buff in Patch 11.3 has allowed the Loose Canon to find her way back to both professional and solo queue matches. What interesting about this playstyle is that, Jinx is now using Conqueror instead of Lethal Tempo as her Keystone.

Not only excels at both long and short-range combats, but Jinx can also out-performed most ADCs in team fights as she can deal good AoE, which most top ADCs such as Kai’Sa, Jhin can’t do at the moment. Her build for League Patch 11.5 will mostly be the same, Kraken Slayer, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Infinity Edge will still be her cores, the only difference is using Conqueror instead of Lethal Tempo for better mid-game damage and healing in fights.

Support – Jarvan IV Buff

Has long been a well-known pick for Jungle, however, with the release of League Patch 11.5, Jarvan IV has been seeing himself being a top-choice Support. What is special about this new phenomenon is that instead of building damage or tank-like usual, players are building Support items such as Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, Ardent Censer,… on J4.

Summon Aery will be the Keystone for this build, as its can maximize the ultility provided by Jarvan’s E. His E will give an extra attack speed as well as shield from Aery, he can also play more actively with E + Q combo or R to open up fights or runaway from combats with R + Flash.

What is your favorite pick for League Patch 11.5? Any build or playstyle that you think would be effective in this Patch? Leave a comment and let us know!