League patch 11.11: Frostfire Gauntlet Senna change, new Itemization for Tank?

Tank Meta is coming soon in patch 11.11?

As you probably might know already, Senna is super diverse in her role, her kit is suitable for Mid, ADC and especially the Support role. Meanwhile in the top lane, tank champions and tank items in general is seeing very least popularity (except Tank Mythic Items).

Today on Twitter, Jeevun Sidhu, Lead Game Designer of League’s Summoner’s Rift, announced that his team is working on the changes for Senna Frostfire Gauntlet build. He said: “For the 11.11 patch, Summoner’s Rift Team is working on moving Support Senna’s Mythic builds away from Frostfire Gauntlet into more on-fantasy items (like potentially Lethality or AP)”.

Both of the Grasp of the Undying + Frostfire Gauntlet and Glacial Augment + Kraken Slayer build is seeing as 2 popular build for Senna lately. Or even further approach, Senna can also be considered as “broken” with these 2 build paths.

In his tweet, Sidhu also announced that the developers intend to diversify top lane builds in patch 11.11. “We’re also looking at making more competitive options for top lane tanks’ second item beyond Thornmail – mostly looking at Warden’s Mail/Frozen Heart and Warmog’s here”.

Right after Top laners/Tank Top laners finish their Mythic item, Thornmail seems to be the only must-need item for Tank to build. As a tank, Thornmail can give you a lot of advantages like reflecting damage to on-hit attack and inflicting Grievous Wounds to opponents. Some alternative in patch 11.11 can be Warden’s Mail, Frozen Heart and Warmog’s according to Sidhu. So there possibly be some buff towards Tank items in patch 11.11 to make them more appeal to players.

These changes are still not confirmed yet by Riot and some minor adjustments will occur in patch 11.11.