League Patch 12.1 modified the problematic Chemtech Rift in secret

Players have two words on their lips following the release of League Patch 12.1 – The first version of Season 12: Chemtech Rift.

The introduction of the new dragon in League of Legends, as well as its phenomenal soul buff and landscape-altering Rift, has split gamers. Riot has deployed another covert tweak to decrease its impact in response to complaints that it is too dominant.

The complaints and questions regarding the shadowy Chemtech Rift had already been raised since the very moment League of Legends Season 12 was introduced. Players have struggled to play around the new Chemtech Dragon’s boost, which also has a deadly zombie-making soul.

Riot first implemented nerfs in preseason in response to player complaints, but they were not quieted by the time League Patch 12.1 arrived. Players were concerned since there was no mention of the Chemtech Dragon or its Chemtech Rift in the patch notes.

Image via Riot Games

Riot, on the other hand, sneaked in a hidden modification to assist teams playing from behind.

More Scryer’s Bloom plants have been placed in suitable spots under Inner Towers so that players may scout into the jungle without having to step into the fog of war.

On January 5, design lead Matt ‘Phroxzon’ Leung-Harrison informed players that the modification in League Patch 12.1 will assist “losing teams contest their jungle.”

“The map state [Chemtech Rift] is designed to allow aggressive plays for both sides, and the design purpose isn’t to be winning team skewed, even though it’s currently seen to be,” he explained.

“[The additional Scryers in 12.1] are to help the losing team contest their jungle and we’ll continue to monitor further.”

The modification has been positively received by gamers, albeit whether it properly limits the power of Chemtech Rift remains to be seen.

Regardless, the contentious dragon addition will be on players’ minds when League Patch 12.1 arrives, and more adjustments may be on the way.