League Patch 12.5: Master Yi & Gwen nerfs, more Bee skins are coming

League Patch 12.5 is on the way, and Riot has promised it would be a minor update. Changes are still coming: Master Yi and Hullbreaker strategy will be nerfed, as will Gwen and the freshly updated Ahri, but there will be a few buffs.

The highlights of League of Legends Patch 12.5 focuses on the current meta, just loke how Patch 12.4 turn down the enchanter Smite top strategy, which swept over solo queue barely a month ago, this update will target Hullbreaker and other playstyles which is dominating the meta.

Since the fighter item update, the top lane-centric bruiser item has swept Summoner’s Rift by storm, and now junglers and some mid laners are taking it as well. That will be majorly dealt with by the March update.

It isn’t the only change coming, but it is one of the highlights of League Patch 12.5.

The freshly reworked Ahri, as well as Master Yi’s new meta build and Gwen jungle, are being nerfed. What about buffs? For the time being, gamers may look forward to Kennen, Samira, and Seraphine. Renata Glasc, League’s newest support, will not be changed as a result of her hotfix nerf.

Here is all you need to know about League Patch 12.5.

Image via Riot Games

Riot has been observing Master Yi’s Duskblade build for a few weeks now, and after postponing the trigger pull in patch 12.4, they’ve completed the tweaks for the March release.

Nerfs to the Wuju Bladesman only affect his Duskblade of Draktharr build, which has propelled him to the top of the tier rankings. Riot is increasing the on-hit damage of his Q, Alpha Strike, while decreasing the basic damage to encourage players to buy crit-centric items. In addition, his E will deal less basic damage.

However, there are some quality of life improvements in League Patch 12.5, like as the ability for Master Yi players to buffer abilities during Alpha Strike.

The freshly revamped Ahri is basking in the sun, but the devs are dimming the lights to make her more mana-hungry. Gwen’s jungle clear is getting nerfed, while Xin Zhao’s meta domination may come to an end with a major adjustment to his ultimate.

Finally, the Hullbreaker nerfs will make the item less feasible for ranged splitpushers such as Quinn or Urgot, who may benefit from the fighter item. However, it stays unaltered for melee champions.

Image via Riot Games

So far in League Patch 12.5, there are just three champions queued up for buffs, with Seraphine leading the push – but whether or not they are boosts remains to be seen.

The Piltovan singer has flitted in and out of the League meta, although she is now ranked behind other enchanters as a support. Riot is focusing on the healing and shielding abilities on her W, Surround Sound, in order to reintroduce her into the battle. It will cost less mana, scale better into the late game, and provide a more powerful baseline heal.

To compensate, her scalings are being reduced, firmly boosting her in support while maintaining her equal in strength across other roles. However, several players have contested this fact.

Samira is getting some base stat buffs as well as a great ultimate cooldown reduction, which will let her to “spin-to-win” more often in fights. Kennen’s W-infused auto attacks will deal more damage.

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

The cosmetics in League of Legends upgrades keep flowing, with four new bee skins arriving in League Patch 12.5.

Riot has been astonished by the level of player involvement with this skinline, which has made many appearances over the previous few seasons. In their bee-inspired costumes, four new champions will pollinate the flowers sprinkled over Summoner’s Rift.

Once the update is out, you may rush to the in-game store and purchase them, along with their eight Chromas.

League Patch 12.5 will be lived on March 5, according to League’s official Patch Schedule.