The reign of Tryndamere in both SoloQ and Pro-play may ends here at League Patch 12.6.
After a brief vacation, League Patch 12.6 will be released shortly, with a slew of improvements addressing champions that have outperformed and underperformed in solo queue and professional play—as well as long-awaited Tryndamere nerfs.
Riot Phlox, a League of Legends designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, unveiled a comprehensive patch preview today, detailing the myriad of changes that will be released with Patch 12.6 on March 30. This includes improvements to less-popular top-lane champions, as well as big changes to Rengar, who has fallen out of favor in the jungle meta.
Small health buffs to Azir every level are being pushed to improve his laning, as the Emperor of the Sands is frequently penalised for being difficult to master. In the top lane, Darius’ ultimate will do much more damage at all tiers, while Jax’s W will gain some more base health and damage.
The cougar in the jungle is expected to receive significant buffs in League Patch 12.6, perhaps bringing her up to speed with the other junglers who are currently dominating the game. Nidalee’s W in human form now has a lower mana cost across the board, while her W in cougar form now has a greater area-of-effect radius, making it simpler to deal with camps like Krugs and Raptors. Her human form E can also be cast at a larger range and has a lower mana cost at higher ranks.
Meanwhile, the jungle cat has failed to build a name for himself in the 2022 season, allowing him to watch other junglers thrive. As a result, Rengar will get significant changes in League Patch 12.6, updating his passive and providing him with additional critical strike damage. Rengar’s E and ultimate, in particular, will offer real sight of targeted foes as well as enhanced sight in a small radius around them, keeping this jungle assassin aware of the danger lurking around his victim.
Hecarim is one champion who has taken over the jungle at the cost of others in recent months, appearing more frequently in both solo queue and professional competition. In League Patch 12.6, his Q and E damage are drastically reduced at later rankings to diminish his presence, allowing for some counterplay.
Tryndamere, who has been a must-pick in the top lane for months, making it impossible to counterplay when he goes ahead. To somewhat limit his strength while retaining his overall identity, the cooldown reduction offered to his E will be shortened, while his ultimate’s cooldown will be raised at early ranks.
Players can expect to test the champion changes that come with League Patch 12.6 on the PBE soon. This patch is scheduled to be released on live servers on March 30, although it may appear different because this patch preview describes preliminary changes.
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