League Patch 12.8 highlights major buffs to Mordekaiser, Jhin, Ezreal

League Patch 12.8 will be the official patch for MSI 2022 in next month.

League Patch 12.8 is finally here.

With League Patch 12.8, Riot Games hopes to significantly shake up the League of Legends meta, providing big benefits to champions that haven’t really been on anyone’s radar—just in time for the Mid-Season Invitational, the year’s first international event.

Riot Phlox, a prominent designer on the Summoner’s Rift team for League, has thoroughly described the enhancements announced yesterday, which will be released around League Patch 12.8 on April 27. This includes benefits for champions in all game roles, ensuring that all parts of the Rift gain greater strength.

Phlox also stated that Aatrox and Seraphine’s buffs had been “pulled from this patch either for more time or after reconsiderations” among the champions advertised as receiving buffs in League Patch 12.8.

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Mordekaiser stands out in the top lane with improved passive move speed in League Patch 12.8, which is now expanding at levels one, six, and eleven. Vladimir, who gains armor bonuses, and Poppy, whose W cooldown is reduced at all levels, accompany him. Poppy’s ultimate will now send foes flying away quicker and further, but she will receive less of a cooldown refund if she does not use the ultimate in its whole.

Sejuani and Fiddlesticks are the only jungle buff receivers in the upcoming patch plans. The cooldown of Sejuani’s passive, which grants her armor and magic resist on a timer, will be cut in half. With greater W healing late, Fiddlesticks will be able to drain champions’ life forces more readily.

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In the mid lane, several mages and a chained fighter are getting damage and survivability bonuses in League Patch 12.8. The mana cost of Zoe’s Q and ultimate has been reduced, Kassadin’s Q now grants a larger shield, and Vel’Koz’s Q and W now have higher AP ratios. Xerath’s E stun duration will now rise with distance, while Sylas’ ultimate cooldown will be greatly lowered at all tiers.

AD carry gamers will be pleased with upgrades to Ezreal, Jhin, and Tristana, all of which attempt to make them more efficient picks in the bottom lane. At higher ranks, Ezreal’s ultimate cooldown will be reduced, while Tristana will get more damage every level. Jhin’s W root now lasts longer, and his E cooldown has been decreased across the board.

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Bard, who are renowned for their distinct playstyle of traveling across the Rift, will now be rewarded more generously for gathering Chimes. Their W heal will be boosted at all tiers, but more drastically at higher rankings.

League Patch 12.8 is set to hit live servers on April 27. This patch will be used for the MSI, which begins on May 10 in Busan, South Korea. Because this is a patch preview, the buffs listed may change before they are pushed to live servers.