League Patch 13.13 PBE updates revealed major top lane damage changes

Riot Games may be considering some new adjustments to damage for various top lane champions in forthcoming patches as League of Legends’ meta continues to be more diverse.

Multiple changes have been seen for 11 champions on the game’s PBE server for patch 13.13. All of these changes affect champion damage, including a move from basic damage to scaling ratio damage.

League of Legends patch 13.13 top lane champions reduced damage

Some players have already made assumptions about how this will affect these various champions, with some claiming that these are straight nerfs because most of these champions cannot build enough damage items to handle these ratio increases, making it an overall nerf when implemented in the game.

Sett’s second punch basic damage is reduced as he progresses through each level, but his AD ratio increases by 15%. His ultimate ability receives a basic damage decrease at all levels, but its bonus AD ratio increases by 60%.

Image via Riot Games

Malphite’s Q ability will have its base damage reduced at all levels, but its AP ratio will be boosted by 15%. The ability’s steal movement speed has also been raised by 5% at all levels, making it more useful while chasing down enemies or preparing for an engage immediately before a teamfight.

Sion, on the other hand, is getting a complete nerf to his Decimating Smash ability, with minor damage decreases for both its minimum and maximum strikes. At higher levels, his shield is likewise reduced, making him less tanky.

Image via Riot Games

These are just some examples of the damage changes for top lane champions. The next League update, Patch 13.13, is set to go live on ,June 28, which means the devs have plenty of time to delay or reverse any forthcoming changes as they see right.