League Patch 13.7 Preview: S-tier Jungle Nerfs, Yasuo Buffs, Thresh Adjustments, and more

League of Legends Patch 13.7 includes a number of champion buffs, including a few popular choices

So far in season 13, the meta has favoured bruisers and tanks, but this is about to change as Riot Games prepares to release a patch that will heavily nerf some S-tier junglers and top lane meta picks.

On March 27, League’s lead designer Matt Leung-Harrison revealed the intended buffs and nerfs for Patch 13.7. While the buffs are varied and include champions from almost every role, the nerfs are primarily aimed at reducing the power of tanks and bruisers.

League of Legends patch 13.7 preview

Champion buffs

Champion nerfs

Champion adjustments

System buffs

System nerfs

System adjustments

On the buff list, Champions like Azir, Katarina, Kalista, Graves, Alistar, and Yasuo are set to receive buff in the upcoming patch 13.7.

Image via Riot Games

Patches 13.4 and 13.5 made significant changes to Azir’s kit. The aim of these adjustments was to lower his power in competitive play while raising his win rate in solo queue. While the goal was met because Azir has been rarely picked since the changes, he also has a terrible solo queue win rate. Hopefully, these forthcoming adjustments will resolve this.

And in the nerf list, it seems that the upcoming meta is changing and teamfighting might not be as what they seem in the previous updates.

Image via Riot Games

Because of their strong and consistent performance in both pro play and solo queue, all of the nerfed champions are already overdue for nerfs. Vi, Sejuani, and Wukong are the meta’s go-to jungler picks due to their quick clear, solid damage output, and strong teamfight abilities.

With the upcoming buffs, Riot will scent new life into their champions ahead of the Mid-Season Invitational in May. According to Riot’s official schedule, patch 13.7 is scheduled to hit live servers on Wednesday, April 5th.