League PBE: New Execute mechanic for Malzahar after the release of his Three Honor skin

Malzahar will receive significant improvements in patch 12.21

Malzahar has always been one of League of Legends’ most consistent champions. He has never been an overpowering or underpowered champion. However, with the release of the Durability Patch, he was severely nerfed.

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This had an effect on both his win rate and his play rate. According to League statistics OP.GG, Malzahar currently only has a 49% win rate with only a 2.4% pick rate. Riot intends to buff him in order to reintroduce him into the meta.

Malzahar buffs in Patch 12.21

Screenshot via Riot Games

Spideraxe just announced the modifications on his Twitter account. At first sight, the adjustments appear to be small quality-of-life changes, but they are rather significant because they fix some of Malzahar’s main concerns, such as last-hitting minions and early game wave-clear.

Malzahar has always had a great late-game wave clear, but his early-game wave clear is horrible. However, with the new execute mechanic, he can dependably wipe minions, thereby strengthening his early game. The modifications also help him withstand unfavorable matches.

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The adjustments also have an impact on his ability to last-hit minions. His E – Malefic Visions is the ability he uses the most to clear waves, however players who don’t know his exact damage amounts have a hard time last hitting.

However, you don’t have to worry about CS’ing with the execution because his E will kill minions below a particular HP threshold. This, however, will have little effect on Malzahar main while greatly benefiting rookie players.

Image via Riot Games

The changes are mostly mechanical, but they should be enough to get Malzahar back into the meta. Accordingly, the buff will occur 1 patch after the release of his Three Honor skin. So, it is without a doubt that Riot wants to pump up some statistics for the champion while aiming for players to play with 0 toxicity.

The changes are presently being tested on the PBE and will be implemented on live servers with patch 12.21, which will be released on November 2.