League PBE: New Teleport and Fountain changes could drastically change the meta-game

One specific summoner spell in League of Legends that is highly favoured among top laners may soon become a must-pick for all players of that role.

Riot Games has introduced a large upgrade to the Teleport summoner spell, making it Unleashed Teleport at 10 minutes rather than 14 minutes, among the other modifications to items and systems presently being tested on League’s PBE.

This will allow top laners—and those in other lanes who bring the spell—to be more influential throughout the map early, perhaps leading to quicker overall game timings.

League of Legends PBE Teleport and Fountain changes

Image via Riot Games

Riot originally introduced Unleashed Teleport to League as part of preseason 2022 as a way to reduce the spell’s usefulness in the early game. Players could only TP to ally turrets within the first 14 minutes of the game after this update.

After then, the spell would be transformed into Unleashed Teleport, granting players access to all of the places that TP previously targeted, including minions and wards.

Image via Riot Games

Although it is still used frequently in professional play because of how significant it can be in starting a team fight—and even the odd back-door triumph, Teleport as a whole has fallen out of favor in solo queue that got replaced by more aggressive spells like Ignite.

This modification is currently being tested on League’s PBE and is likely to be released to live servers sometime after MSI and before the start of the second-ranked split on July 17 as of Patch 13.10.

Because this is a significant change that could easily change the current meta of the game, it is possible that it will be altered or completely reversed before players can get their hands on it.