This League player reached the lowest-ever recorded LP across LoL

A player has LP lower than the lowest possible LP?

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Playing League may be difficult at times. We all have times when nothing appears to work and we keep losing. But have you ever gone as low as this streamer on the leaderboard?

We already know how League of Legends has a difficult learning curve. There are many things to get accustomed to when you are new to the game, and it may take some time to get the hang of it. Furthermore, smurfs keep on populating in the famous MOBA title, flaming new players who are attempting to learn the game.

League streamer has LP lower than 0

According to RossBoomsocks, one person who appears to be suffering with the game recently is the Japanese streamer mito_mimito, who has the lowest LP ever seen in the game.

mito_mimito plays on the Japanese server, which has little activity because League of Legends is not as popular in Japan, but she perseveres and has played over 80 games so far.

Image via Riot Games

mito may have achieved the lowest rank in League of Legends ever despite some experience and preseason. Her lowest rank was Iron 4 with – 16 LP, placing her bottom on the Japanese leaderboard.

Image via Riot Games

When you reach Iron 4, you cannot lose any more LP unless you dodge games, which the streamer has done frequently. Despite having this record, she is working her way out of the Iron division. mito mostly plays jungle and is frequently seen picking Evelynn.