League players can now get Victorious skins under rank Gold and here’s how

Riot Games has announced several important season 2023 ranked adjustments around Victorious skins and prizes, most of which revolve around the benefits players receive while battling in the rank scene

Season 12 has concluded, and we are currently in Preseason 2023. The ranking season finish date denotes the conclusion of a season. When a season ends, the ranking rewards are also distributed, as Victorious Sejuani was the prize for players who finished in Gold or higher.

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This takes us to the future ranked seasons, as Riot plans to modify them and how players may obtain the Victorious skins.

Previously, the Victorious skin line was only granted to players who achieved Gold rank or above during the year, but Riot says it wants to provide an alternate means for less talented but committed players to acquire the skin as well.

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Those that play frequently but struggle to reach Gold rank will still be rewarded with the Victorious skin merely for grinding ranked matches more than someone who may glide their way to Gold in no time. Furthermore, the skin is unlocked as soon as you reach Gold rank, so you will still receive the prize even if you drop back to a lesser rank.

In addition, during Season 13, there will be two ranked splits, each with its own set of prizes, including Victorious cosmetics and skins. In addition, Riot is implementing ranked reward tracking and a “split point” mechanism.

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As a result of the increased prizes and less harsh slog through the rankings, League of Legends Season 13 may become one of the most popular season for ranked play.