League of Legends: The most impactful jungler in season 11

In League of Legends, the jungler is perhaps the only position that may influence the outcome of a match from the start.

Jungler is often regarded as one of the most challenging in League of Legends. This is due to the fact of their pathing, ganking, and objective control always impacts the outcome of games. 5 jungle champions ruled the rift throughout season 11 of League of Legends’ competitive tournament.

These champions frequently took over games on their own and had to be target banned in numerous occasions. They are also extremely popular among professional jungle players.

Xin Zhao

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Xin Zhao is the first champion to make the list. He has been essential in controlling the meta for much the whole season 11. This is because to Xin Zhao’s ability to gank, combat, and farm quickly. Since his rework, he has become highly potent, as seen by his 41% pick/ban rate in season 11.

Picking this champion has clearly paid off since his 52% win rate is proof of his effectiveness.


Udyr has mostly gone unnoticed in League of Legends during the last few patches. Due to his weaknesses, professional players presently don’t pick him much.

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On the other hand, Udyr was once one of the most broken jungler in the game for nearly half of the 2021 season, with his 39% selection rate ranking second among all jungle champions.

Sadly, after multiple nerfs to his kit and to Turbo Chemtank (Udyr’s core item back then), his win rate has clearly suffered as it is now with only 49%.

Lee Sin

No matter how the meta changes, Lee Sin can always find himself at the top of the jungler’s leaderboard in both solo queue and pro play. Not to mention, Lee Sin appeared 99% of the time of World Championship 2021, with 37 picks and 45 bans.

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His pick/ban rate of 35% is the third-best among all jungle champions, and he finished the season with a whopping 54% win rate. The only reason Lee Sin is not first is that he was played as a top-laner most of the time because of the meta.

However, the fact that he was able to retain a top 5 place while shifting positions demonstrates his domination.


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Olaf is another champion who faded from the meta around late season 11. However, he was extremely powerful for a long time throughout Season 11.

Pro players enjoy Olaf for his ability to engage in enemies and team fights. As a result, it’s unsurprising why he’s ranked 4th with a pick/ban rate of 35%.


Lastly, the 5th jungler to appear on the list is the Ruined King, Viego. Having debuted around the beginning of season 11, yet he has become one of the most broken champions in the game with multiples nerfs and hotfixed.

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While Viego benefited from a positional adjustment (top lane to jungler), he was able to retain a 30% pick/ban rate among them. Viego is an extremely effective and strong fighter.

Viego can turn games around on his own. He also finished the year with a 52% win rate, demonstrating the strength of the Ruined King.