League Detailed Patch 10.21 Preview: Significant Change Aimed at Pantheon’s Q

League of Legends lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter outlined the tentative buffs and nerfs for Patch 10.21 today.

Pantheon support proves to be very effective in the bot lane, especially in the competitive scene. Riot, however, plans to move the Unbreakable Spear away from the position, as well as to give Aphelios a lot of love in the upcoming patch.

To dull the Pantheon’s spear a bit, Riot is planning to take the AD base away from his Q. But the additional AD bonus is supposed to support Panth compensate, allowing him to get stronger with items instead. Pantheon’s empowered Q will also get improved bonus damage scaling, increasing from 100 to 115 percent AD bonus.

Patch 10.21

And Riot’s favorite balance champ is getting a lot of love. Aphelios proved difficult, either underwhelming or overpowered, to stabilize. Riot is targeting his passive lethality, as well as buffing his Calibrum, Gravitum, Severum, Infernum, and Crescendum supreme. This should cause enemies to respect the ADC a little more since a well-timed ultimate will change the tides of a teamfight.

Scruffy clarified that the exact numbers can change before the patch goes live.