League’s hidden Summoner Names feature sets dark futures for 3rd-Party Apps

League’snNew Champion Select Anonymity features from Riot have changed some regulations to 3rd-party apps

Riot is releasing many features this year, including Champion Select Anonymity for League of Legends. As the company attempts to combat toxicity, we have already got the anti-toxic chat system, which has collected positive feedback from players.

Future system updates and reworks will improve the game as well. Riot is also continuously looking at new ways to combat toxicity in League of Legends. As a result, Riot plans to create a Champion Select Anonymity mechanism to improve player behavior.

Image via Riot Games

Champion Select Anonymity is a new feature that hides player names during the champion selection. The purpose behind it is to prevent players from making judgments about their teammates during the draft.

As of now, many third-party apps use the League of Legends API to extract the skill level, history, and other information from the player’s name. As anonymity is arriving in League, Riot has requested that third-party apps stop revealing player identities and data as of Patch 12.22.

Riot’s policy has altered due to the system’s implementation, and the applications have been asked to follow standards as well. It will be fascinating to observe if or not this occurs. It will also be interesting to see how they respond to apps that do not follow the procedure.

Image via Riot Games

Riot, on the other hand, has opted to go forward with the alterations. As a result, third-party apps will need to update their systems to reflect the new modifications.