Leak: Fiddlesticks and Volibear’s new skill set leaked outside

The new set of skills and shaping of the champions Volibear and Fiddlesticks will probably be worth the wait with many interesting changes.

Soon, two remake projects Volibear and Fiddlesticks will officially launch the League of Legends gamers community. However, by the time Riot made the detailed announcements, players could only guess about these two champions. Except for the details of Fiddlesticks’ skills that have been revealed, the Volibear information is nothing but a few sketches.

Redmercy has recently been curious to the audience when revealing quite detailed information about the skills of these two champions, of course, in his words, this is leaked information, not information official newspaper from Riot.


Q is fiddle uses his scythe and swings it instantly fears enemies and slows them when hit

W can plant fake copies, fake copies are visible but when hit will explode into crows and will fear you. Fake copies will do the ultimate animation when original fiddle channels at the direction of the nearest enemy but fake copies won’t do anything and will disappear after the Ulti animation, Fake copies when destroyed will also give huge vision to that area, fake copies also make a scary noise when destroyed,

E is similar to current but will summon multiple crows from his body in a direction and will follow enemies and drain their health and give it to fiddle,

Ultimate is the same

Basically, Fiddlesticks current skill-set has no power issues, this straw scarecrow’s remake is mainly due to his outdated appearance and monotonous gameplay. The leaked skill set basically solved this problem, Fiddlesticks will have more thanks to his copies, gameplay requires calculation when using Q, and especially the old W being transferred to E.


Passive is Call of thunder when auto-attacking an enemy continuously Volibear will get a chain lightning auto-attack, Volibear has a similar effects to rumble’s overheat called overcharged, overcharged gives no drawbacks however it will increase all Volibear’s all damage, attack speed, healing regeneration will activate as long as overcharged is active, chain lighting auto attacks will become even stronger and hit more enemies

Q is the same but can be controlled like Nunu’s W or Sion’s Ulti but easier to control and will become unstoppable when overcharged

W is Volibear claws you 2 times with his claws and bites you for the 3rd attack similar to old Morde Q but mixed with Sett’s Q, the Third bite will deal true damage when overcharged

E is the same but when overcharged it will deal more damage

R is Volibear calls a huge storm cloud and will electrocute enemies Volibear is auto-attacking and will immediately get overcharged when casts

This skill set seems to be a good fit for the noble status of the new Volibear – A demigod of the Freljord. Volibear shows his power with powerful melee skills, truly a giant bear, and when he reaches level 6, he will have the ability to call a huge storm cloud and will electrocute enemies.

Hopefully this information will be truly accurate …