Leaked new champion concept art: Aidyn is the next champion? – Aidyn Champion

Aidyn Champion – Another champion of the Freljord clan is about to come to League of Legends players.

An League of Legends data mining expert posted an artistic idea of ​​an unknown champion on Reddit last night (March 30). Redditor, nicknamed “RiotLeaks,” asserts Aidyn is the name of the new champion from the Freljord.

Aidyn Champion

Although the leaked information is not sufficient evidence to convince, a Reddit administrator said it was quite reasonable while trying to protect the identity of the new champion.

Aidyn Champion
Aidyn Champion

With a quick glance at the two drawings above, we can vaguely guess that they are Aidyn’s weapons and helmets. It seems that the new champion of League of Legends will use the pair of scythes at the same time – similar to Akali’s blade. Meanwhile, the headpiece bears a design of the Freljord, reminiscent of Sejuani’s horn.

Aidyn Champion

In addition, Riot Leaks also revealed the voiceover supposed to be from Aidyn a few days ago.

“We marched through storms across the battlefield,” the unnamed champion said.

Although there is not much accurate information, more or less League of Legends fans can speculate on Aidyn’s identity and origin. Some joked that this might be Tryndamere’s evil brother, others reminiscent of Marcus Du Couteau, Katarina’s father.

Aidyn Champion

In the video “Champions in Season 2020” uploaded by Riot to YouTube in January, they mentioned two new champions to be released this year – a notable new jungler and a capable ADC like Tryndamere.

It is unclear whether these brief, concise descriptions apply to this Freljord champion.

Because Riot has not made any comments on the images above, we can consider this as a reference, it takes time to verify.

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As a result, League of Legends players have to wait at least a few more months – or even later this year – to know who Aidyn is. Because in the near future, Riot will focus on completing two projects to update Fiddlesticks and Volibear at the request of the community.

Information From: Reddit