Potential leaked in-game animations of the Ruined King, League’s 154th champion

*Note: This is just a Ruined King potential leak, there are no confirmation or release from Riot Games has been made to claim this is official.

The rumors recently swirled that the Ruined King finally made its way to League of Legends. It’s not just a sword but he will soon appear as the upcoming champion in the League of Legends. The Ruined King, probably named Viego, has been accidentally placed into the PBE files but it has not live yet, according to leaks from the Twitter user “PixelButts.” Here’s a peek at the newest League champion.

Apparently, the files have been pushed to the PBE servers. Viego is still not live or able to play on the PBE yet.

It seems either he has a sort of special interaction features on his mask or is it one of his abilities. Or that can also be something that can change from one of his emotes (like Rell or Kai’sa when pressing Cltr+5.) His first new skin is another possibility, too, but it seems too similar to the default skin to be likely.

Finally, it could be one of his splash arts. League of Legends has a certain style to its splash art, however, this is the only thing that seems impossible when compared with other champions. It is worth noticing that people can easily make fakes.

Therefore, the explanation for assuming that could be true is the fact that the Ruined King is soon entering the League roster. He appears quite more likely to be the last champion road map. The last champion road map and more made this seem very likely. And in terms of abilities, Viego is considered a romantic jungler skirmisher who has possession mechanics that able to take control of enemies for a second. We can thoroughly hypothesize that Viego would have a completely new crowd control effect.