Leaked: New Battle Queen and Elderwood skins

The skins are coming in 10.25 according to some leaked news from Twitter

Earlier today, we saw a teaser posted on the homepage of League of Legends, revealing the game’s upcoming new skin line.

The teaser of the new skin line

“A symbol of her royalty, a queen’s crest is as much a reward as a responsibility”

The mysterious symbols are revealed to be the Battle Queens, introducing:

Battle Queen Rell

Even Rell, the newest League champion, receives a new skin as well

Battle Queen Janna

Battle Queen Katarina

Battle Queen Qiyana

Battle Queen Diana

Diana will receive a Prestige version for this skin as well.

Besides from the Battle Queen skins, the Elderwood skins are coming in Patch 10.25 as well!

Elderwood Ivern

Elder Wood Ornn

Elderwood Xayah & Rakan

Elderwood Azir

All the skins are coming in Patch 10.25, what do you think about them, leave a comment!