LEAKED: Upcoming LoL champion will be a Bunny Mage?

BigBadBear, a prominent leaker in the League of Legends community, recently hinted at an upcoming champion set to debut in 2024.

This new champion to the roster is said to be a member of the Vastaya, a race closely associated with rabbits, potentially embodying the alluring archetype of the Bunny Girl.

Leaked details of upcoming Vastaya champion

While Smolder remains a focal point of League of Legends, Riot Games is aiming to introduce more champions this year. Speculations suggest that this new character could be a mid-range mage hailing from the Vastaya realm.

According to leaks and hints dropped by BigBadBear, the upcoming champion will likely embody traits reminiscent of rabbits, with the name “Rabbit” being floated around. This aligns with the characteristics typically associated with the Vastaya, who exhibit animalistic features within the game’s lore.

The concept of a Bunny Girl is not unfamiliar to gaming enthusiasts, as it’s a popular trope seen in various forms of media, including anime and manga. The anticipation surrounding how Riot Games will interpret this archetype within the realm of Vastaya is palpable.

Various design ideas have been proposed, with one suggestion being a mage capable of transforming between human and rabbit forms, akin to Emul from the Shangri-la Frontier anime. Another inspiration cited is the charming Bunny Girl character from the Vieras race in the Final Fantasy series.

Regardless of the specific design direction chosen by Riot Games, fans are eagerly awaiting the introduction of this new Vastaya champion.

Xayah and Rakan are both Vastaya champion

It marks a significant addition to the roster, as it has been some time since the game welcomed a new member from this enigmatic race. Excitement is brewing as players anticipate what’s in store for the League of Legends universe.