LEAKED: New Winter-themed skin line coming in LoL Patch 13.24

As winter draws near, the anticipation for League of Legends fans is not just about the dropping temperatures but also the arrival of a brand new winter-themed skins.

The excitement surrounding these new skins is nothing new for dedicated players. Recently, a Riot Games representative from the French region dropped hints about the potential return of the Winter Map, although an official confirmation is still pending.

Image via Riot Games

While the return of the winter map remains uncertain, we can be sure that Riot Games has been diligently working on a fresh collection of winter-themed skins. In the previous year, the Winterblessed skins brought a touch of winter magic to champions like Diana, Warwick, Shaco, Swain, Zilean, and Zoe. Before that, League of Legends enthusiasts were treated to the enchanting Winter Wonder skins for a variety of champions.

Following this tradition, Riot Games is all set to unveil yet another thematic skin line to celebrate the forthcoming winter season. You may be curious about which champions will be fortunate enough to receive these winter skins, when these skins will grace the in-game store, and what unique themes they might embrace.

According to famous leaker BigBadBear, there is a resounding confirmation that Riot Games is preparing to launch a new line of winter-themed skins this year. However, the exact theme of these skins remains shrouded in mystery. Most signs point towards the return of the Winterblessed skin line, which was a hit among players. But intriguingly, there’s also a significant possibility that Riot Games might unveil the much-rumored RoI (Rolling on Ice) skin line, a concept that surfaced through a Riot survey.

Riot Games has yet to officially reveal their cards in this regard, leaving players in suspense. Nevertheless, BigBadBear suggests that Camille is expected to receive a prestigious skin that will be inspired by the winter theme.

Additionally, for fans of the upcoming champion Hwei, there’s good news on the horizon, as it is highly likely that his debut skin will also embrace the winter motif.

Image via Riot Games

The new winter-themed skins are slated for release in patch 13.24, which is just around the corner. For those who can’t wait to get their hands on them, a preview will be available on the PBE starting on November 20. As for the official launch date, you can mark your calendars for December 6, 2023.