Leaks: 2023 Coven skin will include these 5 champions

Coven skin is making a return in 2023, and there are some new faces that got leaked

So far, 2023 has been a fantastic year for League of Legends skin. This year brought us some fantastic skin lines, including Inkshadow, and the recent Soul Fighter. According to recent sources, the Coven skinline will also make a comeback this year.

Images via Riot Games

The coven skin line is one of League of Legends’ most popular skin lines. It belongs to the Eclipse world and has a range of stunning skins, like Coven Evelynn, Old God Malphite, The Thousand-Pierced Bear, and others.

Despite its enormous popularity, the skin line was not revived in 2022. However, it appears like Riot is planning to reintroduce the Coven skinline in 2023.

Champions to appear in 2023 Coven skin

BigBadBear, a well-known leaker, has released some new information on the fan-favorite Coven skin line recently. Riot is presently working on the Coven 2023 skins, according to the leaker. Though it is unclear how far the skin line research has proceeded. But we shouldn’t have to wait long.

The leaker revealed the names of five champions who would receive the skin. These champions are as follows:

Image via Riot Games

BigBadBear revealed that we will be getting Coven Syndra at some point, and that it would most likely be a Legendary skin. Fans have long desired a Coven Syndra, and they may finally receive one this year.

The Nilah and Elise skins are likely Epic, while Coven Nami could be a Legendary skin. Either Coven Syndra or Coven Nami could be a Legendary skin.

Images via Riot Games

There are also rumors circulating that Coven Akali will have a Prestige Edition. Since Akali is already confirmed to receive a Prestige skin during Worlds 2023 event, there’s a chance Coven could arrive during Worlds.

Apart from the five mentioned Coven skins, we might also get additional Old Gods or Eclipse skins.