Leaks reveal details of a new Empyrean skin line coming in League of Legends

According to League of Legends sources, Empyrean skins will be released around the finals of Worlds 2022

On September 24, League of Legends leakers revealed some crucial information about a brand-new skinline that would be launched at the end of Worlds 2022. It will reportedly be called Empyrean and will include a large number of champions.

Image via Riot Games

Because the leaks came from the game client, the information might be real. Aside from that, there was also speculation that the next Shurima-based tank champion, K’Sante, would be a member of the Empyrean skin line and will receive a Prestige version of the skin.

However, like with the earlier PROJECT: Ahri information, it is possible that these in-game ids are only placeholders and that Riot Games has alternative ideas.

Information about the new League of Legends Empyrean skinline

As previously stated, the brand new Empyrean skinline was revealed via leaked information from the League of Legends game client itself. According to the leaks, there were a number of texts with the Empyrean tag mentioned. In actuality, the tag was written in the letter “E.”

However, leakers have revealed that the E stands just for Empyrean. In any event, they quickly recognized the tag as the name of a skinline, as there had been rumors earlier in the week about the new champion, K’Sante, to appear under the banner. Lil Nas X was also reported to collaborate with Riot to work on the K’Sante’s Empyrean skin.

Apart from the Empyrean name, nothing else was obvious from the in-game files, which generally contained letters connected beside the tag: “J,” “P,” “V,” “Z,” and “K.”

Image via Riot Games

As a result, the leaker compiled a list of champions who may be part of the skinline. Jayce, Jinx, Janna, Jhin, Jax, Jarvan, Pantheon, Poppy, Pyke, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vel’Koz, Vex, Vi, Viego, Viktor, Valdimir, Volibear, Zac, Zed, Zeri, Ziggs, Zilean, Zoe, and Zyra are among those on the list.

Only 8 champions will be chosen to get the skins. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say which ones because the data provide no accurate guidance.

Image via Riot Games

In any event, these skins are likely to be released towards the end of November, around the time Worlds 2022 concludes. So, there’s still a long way to go until K’Sante and the Empyrean skinline hit the live servers.