Why did Lee Sin receive yet another dragon-themed legendary skin in League of Legends?

The highly anticipated legendary skin, Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin, has made its debut on the PBE servers in League of Legends, but the community is finding themselves in a state of confused.

While the arrival of the Heavenscale skin line has generated a wave of enthusiasm among many players, there is a notable segment expressing confusion and raising questions about why Lee Sin, once again, finds himself adorned in another dragon-themed legendary skin.

A Reddit thread entitled “Why is Lee Sin receiving another dragon-themed legendary?” echoes the sentiments of players seeking more diversity in skin themes for popular champions.

The author laments the perceived lack of creativity from Riot Games, citing Lee Sin’s existing skins with similar dragon-centric themes. The community is grappling with the decision to revisit this theme for Lee Sin, especially considering the potential for other champions, such as Shyvana and Aurelion Sol, who have inherent connections to dragons.

Image via Riot Games

The initial justification provided by the developers aimed to shed light on the skin’s purpose—celebrating the Lunar New Year and paying homage to the rich cultural heritage of the holiday.

Image via Riot Games

The emphasis was on adopting a more traditional approach, in contrast to previous, more modern interpretations. Despite this explanation, players remain puzzled as to why a different champion wasn’t chosen for this particular theme.

The discussion on the Reddit thread also delves into the broader issue of certain champions receiving an abundance of skins compared to their counterparts. Lee Sin, a fan’s favorite since his debut, is poised to set a record with four legendary skins once Divine Heavenscale is released in Patch 14.3.

Smolder being the only dragon in the upcoming Heavenscale skin line

Heavenscale, however, isn’t exclusive to Lee Sin alone, as other champions like Janna, Ezreal, Master Yi, and Smolder are also set to partake in this dragon-themed skin line. The irony of champions with many existing skins getting involved in a more traditional Year of the Dragon celebration isn’t lost on the community.

Despite the frustration voiced by players, the allure of these new skins may prove irresistible, prompting them to open their wallets once again for this thematic exploration in the League of Legends universe.