Lee Sin, Teemo are confirmed to receive ASU in League of Legends

Riot has confirmed on 2 iconic League champions, Lee Sin and Teemo, to receive the game’s next ASU

Riot Games has begun to look at some of League of Legends’ older champions in order to ensure that they can keep up with the newest releases that have struck Summoner’s Rift in recent years.  ASU, or Art and Sustainability Update, is a new style of champion rework in which the champion’s general aesthetic, narrative, and voice-over are updated without altering their gameplay.

Images via Riot Games

Riot Games recently published the latest dev blog on its YouTube channel.  Furthermore, the developer team has disclosed that Lee Sin and Teemo are the next champions on the list for an art and sustainability update, which should excite any longstanding players.

Although most players will acknowledge that the gameplay of these champions isn’t outdated, a fresh cover will be much welcomed as designs and animations continue to change as the creators have at their disposal.

Lee Sin ASU

Image via Riot Games

Lee Sin is a popular fave and one of the most frequently encountered champions in the game. He was among the first champions to have a high ability base and peak. As a result, he was very visible in both ranked and pro play. Every big event will have at least one player locking Lee Sin. Despite this, he hasn’t altered much since his debut in terms of aesthetics.

Teemo ASU

Image via Riot Games

Teemo has also been a well-known champion since his debut but hasn’t seen much action in recent years. He has, however, become a honorary mascot of the game since its debut.

His playstyle hasn’t altered much because he still rules locations with his Noxious Trap mushrooms while hiding in bushes with his invisibility. His animations and general appearance are also somewhat dated, and he would benefit from a fresh ASU.

Though the Lee Sin and Teemo ASUs are next in line, Riot has not specified a release schedule for these changes. However, Ahri’s ASU required more than a year to create due to her excessive number of skins. Similarly, Lee Sin and Teemo have a variety of skins. As a result, their ASU could appear somewhere in 2024.