A list of unique and effective builds for Patch 10.25 (Part 1)

As the last patch of 2020 came out, players continue to prove that some of the most effective builds are the ones that nobody thinks of.

Full Lethality Sion

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Although we usually think of Sion as a Tanker with a high engaging kit and can open fights easily, in Preseason 2021, Sion has found himself successful with Lethality builds. Lethality Sion isn’t just something that comes out from URF Mode, with new Lethality items, he has become a real threat in top lane.

There are not many changes in the Runes and Key stones, with Grasp of the Undying for better laning phase as usual. In fact, the most noticeable change is Approach Velocity in the Secondary page which became a must with this build. It provides him better mobility to engage as well as to escape from ganks.

The core item for this build is Prowler’s Claw for better engaging and extra bonus lethality stats, follow by Serpent’s Fang, Yomuu’s Ghostblade, Serylda’s Grudge, Sanguine Blade, Sion can easily one-shot anything that stands in his way.

AP Volibear

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Ever since his Rework, Volibear has become one of the best picks for top lane. Besides his traditional Bruiser builds, lately, players in NA and Korean server have been finding success with AP Volibear.

This build still uses Press The Attack for extra damage in the combats and laning phase. The biggest difference in this build is Riftmaker. Riftmaker fits Volibear very well, the amount of time that he can stay alive in combats is more than enough to trigger the bonus damage from Riftmaker‘s passive. Bonus true damage from Riftmaker and W is more than enough for a Bruiser like Volibear, while Riftmaker also provides him survivability with its Onivamp stat.

Nashor’s Tooth for on-hit damage, Demonic Embrace for overtime damages, Zhonya’s Hourglass and Spirit Visage to stand strong in late-game combats.

Hail of Blades Shaco

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As one of the best champions to play in SoloQ, despite Shaco players usually use Electrocute or Dark Harvest builds, he has found himself in the meta using Hail of Blades, instead.

Hail of Blades provides him the extra damage in ganks by utilizing damage from his auto-attacks. Duskbalde of Darktharr and The Collector for early game domination, after that, you should go for Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge for critical and on-hit damage, especially because IE has just received a huge buff in Patch 10.25, granted its a 35 percent bonus critical damage if you have more than 60 percent critical rate.

Electrocute Anivia

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After having a really tough time in Preseason 2021, Anivia has been buffed in Patch 10.25, which finally brought her back to the game. She is currently having the highest win rate among all the mid lane champions in the Korean server.

Despite her weak early game, after finished 1 or 2 of her core items, the amount of damage she can provide is certainly insane. Electrocute has become the new core Runes of her builds since it helps her trade a lot more agressive in lane and the extra burst damage works extremely well with her Q + E combo.

By building Liandry’s Torment and Demonic Embrace, Anivia can deal tons of damage on Tank champions in long-duration combats as well. Archangel Staff, Rabaddon Deathcap, and Zhonya’ss Hourglass to finish the builds with some extra protection from dangerous situations.