LoL 2024 season has made everyone a one-shot champion

LoL Season 14 has been live for just a couple of days, yet the community is already expressing dissatisfaction with what they consider overpowered item damage buffs, leading to the game being dubbed the “League of One Shots.”

In a Reddit clip posted on January 14, a player showcased the current state of LoL, highlighting instances where champions, like Pantheon and Miss Fortune, demonstrated the perceived imbalance of bursting.

Changes for Season 14 included significant alterations to the Rift, primarily stemming adjustments to items. Despite expectations, the impact of these changes appears to have far-reaching consequences, leading to frustration among players.

Image via Riot Games

In the shared clip, Pantheon manages to eliminate two opponents in quick succession. However, the focal point of concern arises when Miss Fortune successfully kills Pantheon with what can only be described as a single devastating shot. Critics argue that the ease with which champions can be dispatched suggests that the current meta heavily favors one-shot item builds.

Image via Riot Games

Miss Fortune’s prevalent build, characterized by items like Youmuu’s Ghostblade, The Collector, Serylda’s Grudge, Edge of Night, Guardian Angel, and Berserker’s Greaves, contributes to the perception of the game being dominated by one-shot mechanics.

Compounding the issue is the absence of a pre-patch for the season, making the return to LoL in 2024 particularly challenging for players.

Image via Riot Games

The convergence of new item changes, map alterations, and general updates has left the community yearning for a swift resolution, whether in the form of a hotfix or a pre-patch leading up to Patch 14.2.

As players navigate this period, there is a collective hope that Patch 14.2 will address concerns by potentially rolling back the lethality and high-damage statistics associated with these items.