LoL Arena Game Mode reveals First-ever Big Changes coming to PBE servers

League dev Madness Heroo released a comprehensive list of forthcoming adjustments for League’s new game mode, Arena, including buffs and nerfs to a number of champions, items, and the mode’s signature mechanic: augments.

The new Arena game mode in League of Legends is an entirely new mode even for old players. However, with the addition of a new mode, additional balance issues are bound to develop. Riot has gathered data from Arena players on the League PBE to inform all of the changes that are being implemented.

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League of Legends Arena Game Mode Changes

Items & Class Balance

Augment Tuning

Champion Tuning

Image via Riot Games

Several champions were either boosted or nerfed in PBE notes, with roles being targeted for revisions rather than individual champions. Prior to the launch, all ranged champions will have increased attack speed, haste, and movement speed.

Certain mage-centric items, including the Void Staff, Sorcerer Shoes, and Liandry’s Torment, are being nerfed, with magic pen being a priority.

Image via Riot Games

HP bonuses for items like Hextech Rocketbelt and Night Harvester have been boosted. Both Echoes of Helia and Shurelya’s Reverie are being boosted for Enchanters in order to fight fairly with Moonstone Renewer, which, according to Riot, has been a go-to choice for the role in Arena.

Screenshot via Riot Games

In addition, 13 augments will see obvious balance adjustments in the forthcoming PBE update, with six being nerfed and seven being buffed. Augments are an important component of the LoL Arena experience, and Riot is working hard to ensure that they are balanced before the game mode’s formal release.

Players should anticipate further balancing tweaks to hit the PBE before then. LoL’s Arena mode will be available on July 20th, in conjunction with the game’s summer event, Soul Fighter.