League of Legends: Basic mistakes that happen to many gamers even pro players

There are still many pro players lost the game because of some very small mistakes.

In the current professional League of Legends, expertise has been pushed to a very high level with many complex strategies from “ban/pick” to playstyle in the game. So even small mistakes but sometimes still cost a bitter defeat. In it, there are basic mistakes that happened to many pro gamers in a confusing way, and then pay a huge price in the game or even their career.

Here are some of those basic mistakes:

Lose focus in important moments

Doublelift lost focus and finished by Crown in 1 combo

Even focusing 100% on every minute of the game is quite difficult that not all gamers can do. However, at important moments when combat or near the enemy, pro gamers should not be distracting, which is difficult to accept mistakes like that in major tournaments.

Underestimate enemy’s damage

Xiye had a big mistake when underestimate Lee Sin in SofM’s hand

For pro gamers, it is not too complicated to calculate the damage of a champion with items and levels. However, there are still many pro gamers who let themselves be defeated very easily because they look down on the enemy or because they have miscalculated the damage.

Can’t properly positioning yourself in combat

In League of Legends, whether it is pro tournament or rank, staying in a proper position is also very important in combat. For example, the enemy team has Ashe and you play Varus, you always have to stand behind someone, try to avoid a hit from Enchanted Crystal Arrow or die before you can recover from the stun.

Wrong decision when taking down objectives

Similar to the opponent’s damage calculation, prol gamers can also calculate the amount of damage as well as the time to finish a large objective like Dragon or Baron, help their team not to get hit and lose both teammate and Baron. Or simply don’t take Baron while the enemy team’s jungler is alive, especially when the enemy jungler’s level is higher than yours. But if you look back, every season, every tournament has teams and gamers that make this same mistake.

Forget your own winning condition

There are many pro gamers who sometimes forget their winning conditions in a game which enable the enemies … doing nothing and still winning easily. For example, a guy plays a strong champion in the early game and will be weak in late game, but during the early game he didn’t take his champion’ advantages, leading to not being killed but still can’t win.

Can’t catch up with new meta

League of Legends is a game with a constantly changing meta, so for gamers who refuse to consolidate their champion numbers, they will eliminated very easy from this harsh environment. For example, a player plays damage dealer champions in top lane very well, but as the meta changes, tank champions dominate the top lane. If he refuses to practice the other champions, it is not too surprised to see him in substitution team.