LoL champion Briar’s abilities leaked, players dubbed her as “better Warwick”

Though Riot has yet to reveal Briar, her skills have been revealed in advance of her release.

Briar, the Vampire champion, has been a popular subject in the League of Legends community for the previous several months. Briar’s skills, however, appear to have been shared, so people won’t have to guess for much longer. We just obtained another major leak revealing her Lore and Abilities, after the release of her splash art.

According to Big Bad Bear’s statements, she is a failed experiment of the Noxian secret organization, Black Rose. She has become unmanageable as a result of the experiment and is thus imprisoned in a pillory.

The pillory both restrains her and helps her focus her attention. She explodes into a fury without the pillory and just follows her appetite for “Knowledge and Blood.” In addition to her lore, we learned a little more about her abilities. According to the sources, she will be a Fighter/Diver champion, similar to Vi, with Warwick-like skills.

League of Legends Briar leaked abilities






Image via Riot Games

It’s crucial to remember that these are leaks of her skills rather than official confirmation from Riot, thus everything is subject to change. Having said that, what has been uncovered has piqued the curiosity of the players.

Though she varies from Warwick in many aspects, such as needing to control her stances and having no health regen, players have drawn comparisons.

It’s difficult not see similarities between the two champions when it comes to generating a blood frenzy and scaring opponents.

Image via Riot Games

While some are anxious to see her kit in action and play her, others aren’t so sure about her having a kit that appears to outperform Warwick’s.

Briar will most likely be released on the PBE servers on August 29th, based on all of the information and leaks we’ve gotten so far. The vampire champion will be available on the live servers with Patch 13.18, which is set to be released on September 14th, 2023.